Monday, November 7, 2011

Troy Maxson

I have chosen Michael Clarke Duncan for the role of Troy Maxson, with his massive stature, hand and winning smile, I thought he would fit the part very well.  Troy is large and tall almost scary, with what could be described as "the weight of world on his shoulders".  He is a hard working and loyal trash collector and is set on taking care of his family and making sure that he can provide for them everything, they need.  He has a loud voice and commands to be the center of attraction.  He is not much of a drinker, but when he does drink, he can be vulgar at times especially with his wife (Rose), but that’s just for show.  "See this woman, Bono?  I love this woman.  I love this woman so much it hurts.  I love her so much. . . I done run out of ways of loving her.  So I got to go back to basics.  Don't you come by my house Monday morning talking about time to go to work. . . 'cause I'm still gonna be stroking!"  His relationship with both of his sons is hard, only because he wants them to be better than he was growing up.  He is a protagonist, not quite a hero without the tragedy.  His heroism comes from doing right by his family working, and having a meal on the table every night as well as paying the bills on time.  His tragedy comes from him not being able to fulfill his dream of becoming a baseball player and tearing apart not only his sons’ dreams but his wife’s as well.

Rose Maxson

Queen Latifah was my only choice to play a perfect Rose Maxson.  Both women are strong, full of life, kind and considerate, but within the same breath, will not take any nonsense from their men.  Rose is younger than Troy they have been married for 18 years and then he breaks the news to her about him having an affair and a child is on the way.  "I have to wait eighteen years to hear something like this."  Up to this point in their relationship, she’s done everything possible for him, Lyons (his oldest son from another marriage), and Cory.  She is a good homemaker, works and volunteers at her church.  She has never asked of anything from Troy except to let Cory play football.  Once Troy told her about the affair and the baby, she changed her attitude toward him and became a much harder woman to live with.  After Alberta died (baby’s mother), she accepted Troy’s daughter and raised as if she were her own.

Cory Maxson

I thought Larenz Tate would play a perfect Cory, he has the ability to act like a teenager, and yet become a man in the end.  Cory, the youngest son of Troy and only son of Rose.  His life is that of a teenager struggling with school, working part-time at the A&P and an overbearing father and a docile mother.  He’s on the football team and a recruiter wants to sign him up for college but his father does not want to sign any papers for him because his thinking is that football is not going to bring in the food on the table and that it will not get him anywhere as a black man.  "I get good grades, Pop.  That's why the recruiter wants to talk with you.  You got to keep up your grades to get recruited.  This way I'll be going to college.  I'll get a chance. . ."  He is a good student, but would love for his father to come to at least one of his games and watch how good he really is.  Once he leaves the house, (Troy actually kicks him out of the house), he enlists in the military and becomes a U.S. Marine.  It is not until many years later that he comes home only because his father dies and he really does not want to go the funeral.  He has grown up and believes that he has become a better man. 

Jim Bono

Mike Epps strikes me as Jim Bono, Troy Maxson’s best friend.  They’ve known each other for over thirty years, met in jail.  Bono doesn’t always have the correct answers, but knows Troy very well.  "Hell yeah!  Long as I done known you.  You forgetting I knew you when."  He knows all his stories and when he’s lying.  He’s a funny man who likes to get loose with Troy on Fridays after work and have a few beers.  He has a wife named Lucille and is Rose’s friend.  Bono and Troy work together until Troy starts to drive the trucks.  This puts a strain on their relationship and they start not to see much of each other anymore.  Bono, has become concerned with Troy and Rose’s marriage, and starts to suspect that he is running about town with another woman.

Gabriel Maxson

Cuba Gooding, Jr. I thought would be a perfect Gabriel. His character in the movie Radio was captivating. Gabriel is Troy's younger brother who was injured in the war and has a metal plate in his head, which has made him a lot slower mentally. He receives money from the government, which Troy watches over and also helped he and Rose buy the house they now live in.  Gabriel cannot work, so he roams the streets during the day and does not bother a soul. He is innocent to all things now and has been living with Troy and Rose since he got back from the war. He decides that he wants more freedom and leaves Troy and Rose to move in with Miss Pearl (a woman down the street with a room to rent). He believes that he is the Archangel Gabriel.  He has a basket with assorted fruits and vegetables.  "You know what I got, Rose.  I got fruits and vegetables."  His actions are not to harm anyone and he is always talking about Judgment Day, and in particular is always telling Troy to be careful. He cares greatly for his family but feels that he was in Troy and Rose’s way.

Lyons Maxson

I saw Terrance Howard as the character of Lyons.   He’s smooth, mild-mannered and goes with the flow.  Lyons is the smooth talking, talented jazz playing older son of Troy.  He was raised by his mother, as Troy was not around.  He was born while Troy was in jail.  He lives with his girlfriend Bonnie who is a nurse.  He comes by usually on Fridays to see Troy and Rose.  Troy on the other hand, says it’s because he knows its payday.   "Yeah, well, look hear, Pop. . . let me have that ten dollars. I'll give it back to you. bonnie got a job working at the hospital."  Lyons is always asking for his father to come and see him play, but Troy constantly puts his music down saying it sounds like “Chinese music”.  All Lyons would like to do is just play music and have his father one-day listen to him. 

Raynell Maxson

Raynell Maxson could not be played by none other than Raven Symone (younger Raven).  She’s cute, innocent to everything and everyone.  She’s seven years old now, and only knows Rose as “Mama”.  Her mother Alberta (the woman Troy had the affair with), died while giving birth.  She finally gets to meet Cory at the very end of the play when their father dies.  She is the hope of the Maxson family that things will change and can change.